NoseChronicle 能勢春秋
sustainable history
Energy for Sustainability
Make Ageki! Use Kenkera!
Kenkera is a traditional charcoal made of sawtooth oak (Kunugi) branch, and a material necessary for Nose Kikusumi (Kunugi stem) used exclusively in Japanese tea-ceremony.
Although this branch charcoal was said to be a by-product of Nose kikusumi, one of the few expert of making Kikusumi charcoal "Yoshitaka Kotani", living in Nose, found Kenkera's great potential.
Sound like twinkling or ease of catch fire, these distinctive features are suited to making our life slow,relax and environment-friendly.
"Ageki" -a bundle of Kunugi branch , cut still by billhook, is put on the upper of raw Kunugi stem in the kiln, and some are fired as a fuel of carbonizing, and some are remained as Kenkera.
Kunugi has a coppicing property (regeneration by budding or sprout) same as other oak trees.
Local environment and biodiversity had be maintained in long time with the cyclic lives of the people, like utilizing of this coppicing for sustainable energy or resource.
So making Ageki for Kenkera and Nose Kikusumi is leading to kindness our mother earth as well.
Kenkera club members are expected to make Shiba for Nose Kikusumi and to gradually increase the use of Kenkera in daily life, in order to sustain the local culture and global environment.
And members are able to join the process of making Ageki and to exchange 3 bundles of Shiba for 1kg Kenkera.
This event is mainly held on Saturday AM in Winter, season for making Nose Kikusumi.
Kenkera Grill provides the opportunity of being directly exposed to Kenkera's attractive features with five senses through the grilled dish such as roasted chicken(Yakitori).
Here you can of course buy Kenkera and Nitten Gatten's vegetables directly from Nose Satoyama.
And you can buy or read the secondhand books because this market is held in front of Asian Salon near Osaka Awaji-station with the full cooperation of Asian Library.
Furthermore, if you're interested, you may contribute something what you have to disaster supports through the owner's disaster volunteer activity.
It opens on every Friday evening unless otherwise noted.
Food for Sustainability
You are what you eat and waste.
NittenGatten 日天月天
Our natural farming take the cultivation method based on the trust that natural process of whole life or universe is always going virtuously.
We were inspired by Yoshikazu Kawaguchi, the natural firming founder, and advised of actual practice from professional farmer, Kazuaki Okitsu.
Nitten Gatten sets itself the task of farming that contribute to improve the secure and healthy environment including ourselves, with sustainable and cycric method without plowing, fertilization and agricultural chemical.
Special Thanks
Nose Kikusumi
Nose Kikusumi is high-quality and famous brand as tea-ceremony charcoal with more than 500 years history.
There are many Satoyama's teller, but very few people are in the same boat with it.
You may be able to open the Japanese historical chronicle through the experience of Nose Kikusumi.
Nagatani Terraced Paddies Heritage
No need to say a lot about here, just feel open sky, brilliant star, fresh green, swaying rice or vigorous life.
To step into here, anyone would feel happiness and comfort thanks to the amazing hardships of Nagatani's predecessors.
Nagatani807, Nose-town, Osaka, Japan 080-1445-0547 (Ozawa)